Piatkové nechtíky... :)
Well, I know its not Friday today but decided to call this part of my blog "Friday Nails" only because it is Friday when I usually do something with my nails. Kind of... to have them nice for the weekend and because I am busy during the week they usually stays the same way until the end of it. :) You wouldn't like to see them on Wednesday or Thursday-total disaster.:)Anyway, I dyed my hair today and it turned into a "crime" :( half of my head it greyish green and the second half is blond, so I wanted to some funky nails at least and this is what I came up with.:)

Je mi úplne jasné, že už dávno nieje Piatok, ale rozhodla som sa nazvať túto časť môjho blogu "Piatkové nechtíky" lebo je to väčšinou Piatok, keď si s nimi niečo robím, aby som ich na víkend mala pekné. :) Často som počas týždňa zaneprázdnená a potom ostanú rovnaké do konca týždňa a verte mi... nechceli by ste ich vidieť tak vo Stredu, alebo Štvrtok... Totálna katastrofa.. :) :) :) No, ale čo som to chcela... ahaaa, dnes som si farbila vlasy a skončilo to "kriminálom".. :) :) :) Zoxidovala mi tá farba a tak mám polovicu hlavy nejako sivo zelenú a druhú blond, tak som si povedala, že si urobím aspoň nejaké funky nechty a toto sa mi podarilo... :)

Products used:
Použité produkty:
Sally Hansen - Hard as Nails with Nylon
Barry M - 301 Block Orange
Barry M - 290 Spring Green
Rio Nail Art - Blue
Nubar - Diamont Seal & Shine Topcoat
Avon - Liquid Freeze
And the ring is from New Look.... :)
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