Outfit Dňa - Pracovný pohovor

After not great experience with my last employment I was off work for nearly 3 months. Well, I quite enjoyed it... :) and I started to write this blog so I guess it was a good thing to be happened. :) Especially to me... :) But I had an interview last Tuesday. I wanted to look "smart" but not too much as I have a bit "special" style and I didn't want to fool my future boss that I would wear heals and white shirt every day... :) :) :) So I added a bit of "ME" in to my outfit. I am really sorry for how the photos look like but it was the best I was able to take when I got home. :)
Po nie až takej skvelej skúsenosti s mojim posledným zamestnaním som bola bez práce skoro 3 mesiace, ale celkom som si to užívala... :) :) :) a začala som písať tento blog, takže na niečo to určite dobré bolo... :) :) :) No minulý utorok som mala pracovný pohovor. Chcela som vyzerať tak elegantnejšie - offisovo ale nie až príliš, keďže mám trocha svojský štýl a nechcela som hňeď oblbovať mojho budúceho šéfa s tým, že budem nosiť opetky a biele košieľky každý deň... :) :) :) Takže som pridala kúsok seba. Je mi ľúto ako tie fotky zasa vypálili, ale to bolo to najlešie, čo sa mi podarilo odfotiť, keď som prišla domov.:)

The interview was on the other side of the city where I have never been so far and I took DART for the first time as well.... after 8 years of living in Dublin.. I know...It is a shame... :) :) :) But I was surprised how good it was.
Pohovor bol na druhej strane mesta, kde som ja ani nikdy nebola a použila som Dart, čo je niečo ako vlak tu v Dubline po ôsmych rokoch po prvýkrát. Ja viem, je to hanba.. :) :) :) ale bola som prekvapená, že to bolo celkom v pohodičke.

Well, I decided to wear black skirt, I mean... you cant go wrong with black skirt right? :) This one is from Dunnes Stores and I have it for ages. And I wore white shirt with black lines which is from Penneys to add that "smart" look. :) To add a bit of a color and "me" I put on turquoise sweater and scarf OF COURSE... :)

I know this scarf a bit too much but I still had those nails from Rock concert and I needed something to match them.... :) :) :) :) :)
Viem, že ten šál mohol vyzerať trocha bláznivo, ale stále som mala nechty z toho rokového koncertu a potrebovala som niečo, čo by sa k nim hodilo.:):)
For shoes I went for my Brown babies from New Look. They are probably one of my most favorite shoes and Brown jacket to match the shoes. :) The jacket is from Penneys also.
topánky som zvolila moje hnedé lásočky z New Looku. Sú to pravdepodobne
jedny z mojich najobľúbenejších topánok a k nim hnedú bundu tiež z
didnt go crazy with jewellery so I wore my beautiful earrings which I
have for ages and don't remember where they are from Sorry...:(
S doplnkami som sa nejako nebláznila a vzala some si moje krásnučké náušničky, ktoré tiež už mám veľmi dlho a ani si nepamätám odkiaľ sú.....:(
Now you can see that even if your outfit is super cheap you can always shine.... :) and be interesting and beautiful... :) And although I got lost twice and got wet because it was raining as always... I was able to shine and GOT THE JOB... :) :) :)
Teraz je to vidieť milé dámy, že aj keď Vás váš outfit stál len babku, stále môžete zažiariť a byť zaujímavá a krásna... :) A hoci som sa na ceste dvakrát stratila a upršalo ma, lebo tu stále prší.... bola som schopná zažiariť a DOSTALA SOM TO MIESTO... :) :) :)
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