Another Haul... :) Boots, Penneys and Avon

Ďalšie nákupy... :) Boots, Penneys a Avon

That is IT! I am finished! I will NOT go to shops until the end of the year! That is for sure!Its only the second half of November and shops are already packed! Extremely! You can't move there you can't breath there and the Traffic?! Oh.... I remember the time when I was stupid and I used to go for Christmas shopping in December... How irresponsible was that?   :) :) :)
Its almost impossible to walk on Henry Street with all your bags  because all of those people with their own bags will just NOT LET YOU to do it. :) So I can see myself walking in the town in the middle of December, enjoying the Christmas atmosphere, decorations and lights without stepping in to any shop at all. ;)

A je to! Skončila som.. a už NEpôjdem do obchodu do konca roka! Tým som si úplne istá! Je iba druhá polovica Novembra a obchody sú už úplne preplnené! Extémne! Nedá sa ani hýbať, ani dýchať a tie zápchy? Pánku! Pamätám si tie časy, keď som bola hlúpa a chodila som na Vianočné nákupy v Decembri... Aké nerozumné, však? :) :) :)
Je skoro nemožné kráčať po Henry Street so všetkými tými taškami, lebo všetci tí ľudia, ktorí nesú svoje tašky vám to jednoducho NEDOVOLIA. :) Takže už sa vidím ako kráčam po meste niekedy v Decembri, vychutnávajúc si Vianočnú atmosféru, dekorácie a svetielka bez vstupu do jediného obchodu. ;)

Penneys - Pink and Grey Skinny Jeans €11Each.

Penneys -Teal Bag €13

Penneys -Khaki Long Sleeve shirt €6
Penneys -Mocha Long Sleeve shirt €4

John Freida - Hydrating Conditioner (Frizz-Ease)
John Frieda Moisturising Conditioner (Sheer Blonde)
John Frieda - Conditioning Treatment (Sheer Blonde)
All for €11.98

Loreal Glam Shine 6 H - 103 Forever Nude €13

Maybelline New York Volum Express Mascara- Smoky Eyes Colossal 
On sale €6

Essence – 13 Mrs and Mr Gritter €2.29
Essence – 124 Wanna Say Hello €1.79
Essence – 01 Its Purplicious €2.29

Essence – Nail Art Stickers (Crazy Chick) €1.59
Essence – 45 Back to Khaki Metallic Effect Eye-shadow € 1.99
Essence – Nail Art Stickers (Good Girl) €1.59

Avon – Black Berries and Vanilla Bubble Bath €3.25
Avon – Soft Pink Bubble Bath €3.25
Avon – Senses Shower Gel (Tropics) €0.99
Avon – Senses Shower Gel (Lagoon) €0.99
Avon – Frosted Swirls (Winter Bloom) €2.50

Keep Smiling... :)

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