Clothing Haul November 2012

 Nákupy November 2012

After 4 months of unemployment and not buying anything really I HATE TO go and buy something to myself. :) The main reason was the Retro night and OF COURSE I bought a couple of extras... :):):) I am a girl... there was not an other option obviously. :) ...... and after getting my first wages I am planning to go again so you might see another video soon..... although I dont really feel like I need anything but shops can surprise. When I went for this shopping I was really dissapointed because the only clothes you can get at the moment have either skulls or mustache and spikes.... spikes are everywhere. I am not saying its not nice but if I could find something else what would be more my style I would be really glad... :)

Po 4roch mesiacoch bez práce a nákupov som MUSELA ísť a niečo si kúpiť. :) Hlavne kvôli tej Retro noci ale SAMOZREJME som si kúpila niečo navyše. :) :) :) Veď som dievča... a s nami dievčatami to ani inak nejde. :) A keď dostanem svojú prvú výplatku tak určite pôjdem znova, takže možno čoskoro uvidíte nejaké ďalšie video aj keď mám pocit, že nič také nepotrebuje a možno to trocha potrvá. Aaaaallllleeee obchody predsa môžu prekvapiť, no nie? Keď som bola na tieto posledné nákupy tak som bola naozaj sklamaná, lebo jediné čo sa dá v obchodoch teraz zohnať má na sebe lebku alebo fúzy.... no a hroty... hroty sú všade. Nehovorím, že to nieje pekné, ale keby som bola schopná nájsť niečo iné, čo by bolo tak trocha viac môj štýl... tak by ma to potešilo... :) 

Jumper - NoName, Headband - Penneys 

Hat and Scarf - Pulse

 Scarf and Gloves - H&M

T-Shirt and Grey Sweater - Penneys

Green Jumper - Penneys
Scarf - Tesco

Leggings - NoName
Socks - Penneys

 Purple Skinny Jeans - Penneys

Dress - Dunnes Store

Keep Smiling... :)

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