Used up! :)

Úplne spotrebované! :)

NO! Loreal Elvive Damage Care Repair Conditioner 
Up to 95% less Breakage from brushing, hair feels replenished 
and protected from root to tip.

Well, my hair gets very dry during the winter BUT this conditioner didn’t help with it at all. I am not sure about the "95% less breakage" but I have to say that my head looked like a broom when my hair got dry. 
I used to buy the pink one Nutri-gloss and this one was really great. My hair looked nice and glossy so I will try them again.

MAYBE! Nivea Visage Young – Clean Deeper
Helps prevent spots and black heads for refined skin. With a pore cleansing power beads.

There is always written on all of those products that they prevent spots and black heads but does it really work? Not for me… Or I haven’t found anything what would give me a result which I would have noticed yet. But anyway… on the other side I really liked this one. I like Nivea products in general but this one was making my skin very fresh and clean and I liked the feeling of “power beads”.:) :) :) I have dry and sensitive skin so it was making it even dryer but the feeling of nice clean skin was worth. ;) I really think that for you guys who have oily skin… this product will work just perfectly.;)

MAYBE! Nivea Visage Young – Smooth it! 
Mild exfoliating scrub - cleanses and gently exfoliates for smooth and peachy-soft skin.

Here we are again Nivea. ;) I liked that scrub a lot. It was gentle but also strong when it came to exfoliating. I used to use the Blue Clean Deeper every night and this one probably every 3 days. I am sorry that the bottle was so small because I really loved the peachy smell too. ;)  

NO! Avon Senses - Tropics 
Stimulating passion fruit and kiwi Shower Gel (750ml)

The very usual Senses Shower Gel. We all know them well. This was just fine, the smell of it was not strong at all and I don’t remember smelling Kiwi from it at all. :D :D :D But yes it did the job. ;) It washed the dirt of my body. The only thing what was annoying me a little bit was the bottle. It was quite bit what was making it heavy and very hard to squeeze but I remember it was great value for such a big Shower gel. :P

NO! Loreal Elvive - Balzam na pomoc zničeným vlasom 
O 95% menej lámavosti počas česania. Vlasy sú vyživené a  chránené od korienkov až po končeky.

Veľmi dobre vieme, že moje vlasy sú počas zimy extrémne suché no a tento kondicioner mi s tým teda vôbec nepomohol. Niesom si celkom istá tou 95% zníženou lámavosťou, ale musím povedať, že keďmi vlasy uschli tak vyzerali ako metla. Kupovala som si ten rúžový Nutri-gloss na lesk vlasov a ten bol super a vlasy vyzerali naozaj pekne a leskli sa, takže dám tejto rade ešte šancu. ;)

MAYBE! Nivea Visage Young – Hĺbkový čistič
Pomáha predchádzať vyráškam a čiernym bodkám pre dokonalú pokožku. Obsahuje Energické koraliky na čistenie pórov.

Na týchto produktoch je vždy napísané, že bojujú proti tvorbe vyrášok a čiernych bodiek, ale je to naozaj tak?  Ja neviem, ja som ešte zatiaľ nenašla produkt ktorý by mi mal taký vysledok, aby som si ho všimla. Ale na druhej strane sa mi tento veľmi páčil. Mám rada Nivea produkty celkovo, no a tento robil moju pokožku takú sviežu a čistú, no a pačil sa mi ten pocit “Energickych koralok”.:) :) Mám suchú a citlivú pokožku, takže tento produkt ju vlastne robil ešte suchšou, ale ten pocit čistoty za to stal… :D :D :D Naozaj si myslím, že pre vás krorí máte mastnú pokožku by tengo gélik pracoval perfektne. ;)

MAYBE! Nivea Visage Young / Vyhlaď to
Mierne exfoliacný peeling. Čistí a jemne peelinguje pre hladko marhuľovú pokožku.

A sme tu zasa… Nivejka. :) Veľmi sa mi tento peeling páčil. Bol jemný, ale silný keď prišlo k exfoliacii. Používala som ten modrý gélik každý večer a tento tak raz za 3 dni. Je mi naozaj ľúto, že tá tubka je len taká malá, lebo mi to strašne pekne marhuľkovo voňalo. 

 NO! Avon Senses - Tropics  
Stimulujuce Granatove jablko a kiwi Sprchovy gel 750ml

Úplne obyčajný Senses sprchový gél, všetky ich poznáme, no nie? Tento bol v pohode, nemá žiadnu extra silnú vôňu a nepamätám si, že by som z neho cítila Kiwi… :D :D :D Ale urobil, čo mal… zmyl zo mna každodennú špinu. Len jediná vec ma vždy rozčuľovala a to bola tá fľaša v ktorej je. Je dosť veľká a to ju robilo tažkou a potom sa tažko stláčala. Hmmmm no pamätám si že, tá cena bola strašne dobrá tak čo už…. 
Veď je to len sprchový gél. :P

Keep Smiling... :)

4 komentáre:

  1. clean deeper od Nivei pužívam aj ja ;)

  2. ten peeling si asi zaobstaram casok ak ten svoj miniem uplne :)
    ten sprchac z Avonu som uz mala taky priemer podla mna. a presne tak - zmyl vsetku spinu :D

    1. Veru zmyl spinu... :D Teraz dorabam Used up ešte jedno a tam je jeden mňamkovský. :)

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