Friday nails - Celebration... :)

Piatkové nechtíky - Celebration... :)

It is time to celebrate that I am just a little bit older again. :) I don't know what I am going to wear this weekend but I really wanted to try one of my new Avon Nail polishes. ;) I put 2 coats of Lucky Penny on and 1 coat of Gold Flecked on my ring finger. I was actually "building" those glitters on it because I wanted them to be more intense. ;) It is beautiful color! Actually all of them from my new "Trio" and I got 2 of the Colortrend also and they are very nice too. ;) Even if I like Avon nail polishes the brushes drives me crazy... :D :D :D

A je znovu čas na oslavu toho, že som trocha staršia. :) Nemám ani potuchy, čo si tento výkend oblečiem, ale veľmi som chcela vyskúšat aspoň jeden z mojich nových Avon lakov. ;) Dala som si dve vrstvy Lucky Penny a jednu vrstvu Gold Flecked na prsteník. Vlastne som tam tie trblietky tak trocha "ukladala", aby to bolo žiarivejšie. ;) Je to naozaj krásna farba! Vlastne všetky z toho mojho nového "Tria" sú veľmi pekné a kúpila som si aj 2 z kolecie Colortrend. ;) Aj keď mám Avon laky celkom rada, tie štetce mi idú poriadne na nervy... :D :D :D

Products used:
Použité produkty:
Sally Hansen - Hard as Nails 
(Base Coat)
Avon - Nail Pro + 
(Lucky Penny)
Avon - Colortrend 
(Gold Flecked)
Nubar - Diamont Seal and Shine 
Avon - Liquid Freeze

Keep Smiling... :)

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