How I take off my make up... ;)

Ako sa odlíčujem... ;)

I know it might be very hard during the Christmas after all of those parties to take the make up off your face but it is very important! You will find out in the New Year! :D :D :D
After years of experience with taking off my make up, rubbing my eyes and skin with basically anything (Don't even ask! :D) since my teenage age I think I got in to the point when I believe I take my make up off by gentle and quick way. :) What I basically do before I get to the bed is that I spread Cleansing lotion all over my face and leave it there for a couple of seconds to melt the make up (it works for waterproof make up too, but you have to leave it on for a little bit longer ;)) and then gently wipe it off with the cleansing wipe. To get the beautiful feeling of clean skin I use some toner with cotton pads. ;) I would normally use any lotion and toner; Clean and Clear or L'Oreal but I am using those from Garnier at the moment and I am really happy with them. ;) Of course they are for dry and sensitive skin :/ The lotion doesn't irritate my eyes or anything like that and is very gentle and leaves my skin nice, soft and clean.;)
For the rest of the products... I haven't found any better wipes than the ones from Nivea yet. Sometimes when I don't have time or come late in the evening I use only them to take my make up off and they work just fine. And these Pads you can get in Lidl. ;) I have tried some different ones before but I always go back to those from Lidl. ;) Good quality for good price. ;)

Viem, že to bude  počas Vianočných sviatkov po všetých tých oslavách veľmi ťažké, aby sme si našli nejakú zvyšnú energiu na odličovanie, ale je to veľmi doležité! Uvidíte na Nový rok! :D :D :D
Po rokoch odlíčovania, šúchania očí a tváre s fakt hocičím (Ani sa nepýtajte s čim! :D) som konečne došla do bodu, kedy mám pocit, že sa odlíčovavám pekne, jemne a rýchlo. :) Takže, čo vlastne robím pred tým ako si ľahnem do postele? Rozotriem si čistiace mlieko po celej tváry a nechám ho na pár sekúnd pôsobiť, aby sa makeup akoby rozpustil (funguje to aj s vode odolným makeupom, len ho treba nechať pôsobit dlhšie ;)) a potom to všetko zotriem odlíčočovacím obrúzkom.
Aby som sa cítila ešte krajšie a čistejšie tak použijem pleťovú vodu a to už s vatovým krúžkom. ;) Väčšinou používam hociaké mliečko a preťovú vodu: Clean and Clear alebo L'Orela no teraz používam tieto od Garnier a som s nimi veľmi spokojná. ;) Samozrejme sú na suchá a citlivú pleť. :( Mliečko mi nedráždi oči a je veľmi jemné a zanecháva moju pokožku hebkú a hlavne čistú. :)
No a zvyšné produkty... Ešte som nenašla lepšie obrúzky ako tieto od Nivei. Niekedy, keď som príliš unavená, alebo sa vrátim neskoro večer tak použijem len tie a sú výborné. A vatové krúžky sú z Lídlu. :) Tak isto som skúsila aj nejaké iné, ale z nejakého dôvodu sa vždy vrátim k tým z Lídlu. :) Kvalita za rozumnú cenu.... :D :D :D

I could easily fit into some SCARY MOVIE! :D :D :D
Do hororu ako stvorená! :D :D :D

This is the description of products and I can just AGREE with all of it. ;)
Toto je opis produktov a ja môžem len SÚHLASIŤ. ;)

Garnier Skin Naturals - Soft Essentials
Comforting cleansing lotion which removes even waterproof makeup.
Enriched with Rose Extract for Dry skin.
The creamy formula perfectly removes make up and impurities whilst being very gentle.
It provides your skin with care and comfort and leaves it feeling clean and soft.

Garnier Skin Naturals - Soft Essentials 
Comforting toner which softens and tones the skin.
Enriched with Rose Extract for Dry Skin and Pro-Vitamin B5.
The formula removes any remaining impurities (makeup, pollution...)
while respecting delicate skin.
Your skin feels clean, soft and toned.

Nivea Visage - Daily Essentials
Gentle facial cleansing wipes for Dry and Sensitive skin.
Gently cleanses, tones and hydrates. Removes makeup and waterproof mascara.
With Natural almond oil and Calendula extract.
Alcohol Free and suitable for sensitive eyes.
25 wipes in a pack.

Beauty Iseree - Soft Cotton Pads with microfiber
20% polyester
20% polyester microfiber
60% Cotton
Pads of premium quality with microfiber remove makeup particularly thoroughly.
120 pads in the pack

Keep Smiling... :)

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