Tell me a Berry - Tale... ;) (How I jumped in front of the camera.) :)

Tell me a Berry - Tale (Ako som skočila pred objektív):)

Just a quick post about last Saturday. ;) My husband is doing a bit of photography and he was going to take pictures of a pregnant couple for the first time "indoors". :) The big challenge appeared when we had to set some "photo studio" in our kitchen and he asked me come out on the "stage" to help him with light settings. I saw the opportunity straight away to have a bit of fun :) and put on one of my favorite lipsticks Cartrice - Ultimate Colour 160 Tell me a berry - tale and Essence - XXXL Shine lip gloss in 13 Rock on and was ready to rock. :) I hope you like the pictures. ;) If I knew they would look as good as they do (I hope you think the same. ;)) I would have played with my lips a bit more and made them nicer, but well, who would have known..... :) :) :)
PS: The hairband is from Pulse. ;)

Len taký kratučký post z minulej Soboty. ;) Môj mužíček troška fotografuje a mal naplánované fotenie jedného páru "v očakávaní" po prvýkrát v interiéry. :) A tak sme museli nejakým spôsobom vytvoriť "foto študio" v našej kuchyni. Poprosil ma, aby som si stúpila pred platno, aby nastavil svetlá, v čom som hneď uvidela príležitosť na trocha zábavy. :) Rýchlo som si tresla na ústa môj obľúbený rúž Cartrice - Ultimate Colour 160 Tell me - berry - tale a Essence - XXXL Shine Lesk vo farbe 13 Rock on a bola som pripravená. ;) Skoro odpadol, keď ma videl. :) Keby som vedela, že to takto celkom pekne "vypáli", tak by som sa pohrala s tými perami trocha viac, ale hádam sa Vám tie fotky páčia aj tak. ;)
PS: Ta čelenka je z Pulsu. ;)

Keep Smiling... :)

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