Valentínske pazúriky ;)![](
As everybody I want to add my own nails inspired by Valentines day. :)
They are very easy to make and obviously are not pink or red
just in case you want to go by your own way. ;)
I just used 1 coat of Sally Hansen - Hard as Nails base coat and then 2 coats of BarryM - 134 Yellow nail polish. I really like BarryM's nail polish but if it had brush from Essence ones... It would be the best! ;)
With Rio - Nail & Art pen I drew a line from one "corner" of my nail to the other to give those hearts a bit of direction. :)
I used Essence Heart Stickers, which are really nice but it was very hard to work with them
so I used only the bigger ones and I threw the little ones straight in to the bin
as I knew I wouldn't be able to use any more. :(
Nubar- Diamont Seal & Shine Top Coat and
Avon - Liquid Freeze Spray to speed up the process... :) :) :)
Tiež som chcela pridať svoju vlastnú verziu Valentínskych pazúrikov. :) Tieto sú veľmi ľahké na "výrobu" a niesú ani rúžové, ani červené, ak sa nahodou rozhodnete ísť svojou vlastnou cestou. :)
Prvá vrstva je Sally Hansen - Hard as Nails a potom dve vrstvy žltej BarryM - 134 Yellow.
Mám veľmi rada BarryM-ka, ale keby mali štetček od Essence... tak to by boli najsamlepšie! :)
Potom som si nakreslila čiaru Rio - Nail & Art perom od "rohu" do "rohu" mojich nechtov,
aby sa mi lepšie ukladali srdiečka. ;)
Tie sú od Essence a sú veľmi pekné, len sa s nimi tažko pracovalo a tak som použila len tie vačšie.
Ostatné som hneď potom vyhodila do koša, lebo som vedela, že ich už nepoužijem, boli príliš malinké. :(
Nubar- Diamont Seal & Shine pre trochu lesku a Avon - Liquid Freeze Spray aby som nemusela sedieť na jednom mieste ďalšiu hodinu. ;)
Prsteň je z New Looku. ;)
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