Friday Nails - Cute Spring Flowers... :)

Piatkové Nechtíky - Roztomilé Jarné kytičky... :)

I know, I know... cute right? :) Pictures are not brilliant but lets face it .... it was too sunny... 
YES, it was too sunny here in Ireland... :)  
The color from Revlon called Sheer Rose is just a perfect spring color. I applied 2 coats which I hate you all know and the brush is so little that It nearly made me cry. :) But I think it is a great quality of nail polish as I have it on already 4 days and cant see a difference...

Viem, viem... roztomilé, že? :) Fotky niesú síce najlepšie, ale strašne svietilo slnko... 
ÁNO, strašne svietilo slnko tu v Írsku... :) 
Ten lak od Revlonu vo farbe Sheer Rose je nádherná jarná farba. Musela som si dať dve vrstvy a ešte ten štetček je asi najmenší na svete.. :), skoro ma to rozplakalo.. :) Ale myslím si že je veľmi dobrej kvality, lebo ho mám už štvrtý deň a moje pazúrky vyzerajú rovnako roztomilo... :)

Products used:
Použité produkty:

Gabriella Salvete - Nail Care Calcium
Revlon - 011 Sheer Rose
Rio Nail Art Pen - Pink
Rio Nail Art Pen - Green
Nubar – Diamont Seal and Shine
Avon – Liquid Freeze Spray

Happy Spring Sunday and Keep Smiling... :)

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