My favourite Beauty Bloggers... :)

Moji najobľúbenejší z Blogov a YouTubu, čo sa šminiek týka... :)

I was thinking about writing this post for a while now and here we are Finally!... :) I thought it would take me a couple of minutes only and it will be easy to pick 5 of them but it was so hard and even if I tried very much I have to mention 7. :) What can I say?
I really love all of them and I admire the way how they do YouTube and inspire me.
All pictures are either from their blogs or FB pages so quality is not the best... I hope you will survive. :)

Už som sa chystala napísať pododbný článok strašne dávno, no konečne som si našla na to čas. Myslela som si, že to bude úplne ľahké vybrať 5 najobľúbenejších, ale nakoniec musím spomenúť 7 a to mám ešte hlavu v smútku.... :) Naozaj ich mám veľmi rada a páči sa mi ako robia YouTube, či svoj Blog... 
Mám sa ešte čo učiť a nie len že ma ich videa tešia, ale ma aj veľmi inšpirujú... :)
Všetky fotky sú z ich blogov, alebo FB stránok, tak tá kvalita nieje najlepšia, ale hádam to prežijete.

Miss Glamorazzi

I think she would be my Numer 1. :) I admire everything she does and I like her personality too.
This is her YouTube.
I think she started to write Blog also but there is only couple of posts and she did not continue. :(

Moje číslo 1 bude určite Ingrid. :) Naozaj obdivujem jej prácu a páči sa mi aj ako osoba, takže určite na ňu kuknite. :)
Toto je jej YouTube.

Dulce Candy 

Is probably my second favorite YouTube Girl. She is so sweet and has really crazy history behind so go and check her "Draw my life" video.
She is very creative in her outfits and you can see them on her Blog.
 And all creative videos on her YouTube Channel.

Moje druhá najobľúbenejšia YouTuberka. :) Je taká milá a má za sebou naozaj bláznivú minulosť ako s rodičmi utekali z Mexika do Ameriky a tak... pozrite si je "Draw my life" video. 
Naozaj bláznivé, keď si potom pozriete ako sa vypracovala, je to naozaj úžastné.
Je veľmi kreatívna v obliekaní a to si môžete pozrieť na jej Blogu
A videá na jej YouTube.


OMG! I definitely could not exclude Gregory. :) This man is PERFECT in every way and SOOO Funny! Sometimes, when I feel a bit down I just turn on some of his old videos as he was attracted by bird or something else and it always makes me laugh. This is his great YouTube Channel.

Pánku, môjho milovaného Gregoriho by som predsa nemohla vynechať. :)
Nie lenže, PERFECTNE vyzerá, ale je taký zábavne strelený, že keď sa niekedy cítim troška smutne, tak si pustím nejaké jeho staršie videá, ako ho "skoro" napadol vták, alebo niečo podobné a vždy ma to rozosmeje. A toto je jeho YouTube Channel.

Elle Fowler and Makeup By TiffanyD

I really like both of those because of their perfectionism. :) 
They are very organized and brilliant in what they do. 

Mám obe veľmi rada hlavne kvôli ich perfekcionizmu. :) 
Sú veľmi zorganizované a skvelé v tom čo robia... naozaj je čo obkukávať, však Suzi... :)

Elle and her YouTube Channel. She writes a couple of Blogs which can be easy to found. :)

And Tiffany and her YouTube Channel and Blog. :)


Anna Saconne

I guess everybody of you have Youtuber who you feel special connection to yourself and even follow their personal life also if they do some Daily Vlogs.... That would be Anna for me. :) 
When I found her and found out she was even Irish .... it really made me happy because if she mentioned some shop or something I knew what she meant. She has got very nice personality and it is amazing she shares all her life with the World....

Typujem, že každý má nejakého Youtubera s ktorým cíti nejaké zvláštne spojenie a sleduje aj jeho personálny život, teda ak robí Denné Vlogy... Tak to je pre mňa Anna. :) 
Keď som ju našla a ešte aj zistila, že je Írka, veľmi som sa potešila, lebo keď začala hoviriť o nejakom obchode, alebo niečo inom, konečne som vedela, čo to znamená a kde mám ísť, aby som si tú vec kúpila. Páči sa aj aká je a to, že ukazuje celému svetu jej život je úžastné a zároveň strašidelné... 

Petra Kopolovičová 

 And the last one is one of Czech Girls. I have to say that I found our about Slovak and Czech Blog World only recently... shame on me! :) And I started to like couple of girls but I believe Petra is definitely worth to be mentioned. Even if her videos are not Super quality there is something about her what always makes smile on my face.

Her BLOG and her YouTube channel. 

No a nakoniec jedno České dievča. Musím sa priznať, že som o Slovenkom a Českom Blogerskom svete ani donedávna nevedela... Hanba Mi! :) Ale už som si niekoľko dievčat obľúbila a tak vám chcem spomenúť aspoň Petru, ktorá nieje asi z tých najobľúbenejších a jej videá taktiež niesú tej najlepšej kvality, ale je tam niečo čím mi vždy vyčarý úsmev na tvári. :) Nemôžem sa dočkať, kedy si konečne kúpi novú kameru a zmyznú tie hlúpe čierne pruhy... :)

Keep Smiling... :)

6 komentárov:

  1. teeeda, toľko inšpirácie! Paráda! Z tohto postu sa strašne teším ♥

    1. Tak to som veľmi rada. :) Ak si náhodou ešte nevidela Gregoryho, tak si niečo kukni on sa vie tak namaľovať, že koniec sveta. :)

  2. I adore most of the girls you mentioned, the only one I hadn't heard of before was the last girl you mentioned. For me the girl who I like the most and even follow her daily vlogs is Fleur De Force. I adore her videos and her life, I think it helps that I want to move to England someday.

    Fashion and Happy Things

    1. I know.. :) I like Fleur De Force a lot... It was very hard not to pick her in to my Top-whatever.. :D I understand how you want to move to England... I think she doesn't live too far from London if I am not mistaken and London is amazing... And there is absolutely free to move anywhere now. I am originally from Slovakia and have lived in Dublin for nearly 9 Year... :)
      Last Girl is from Czech republic and she has Blog and Videos in her language so it makes sense you haven't heard about her. :)

  3. Inšpiratívny článok. :) Normálne mám chuť zájsť na všetky tie stránky. :D

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