Skarf of Necklace? Maybe Both!

Šál, či náhrdelník? A čo tak dva v jednom! :)

This post has probably too many pictures.. :) :) :) But those two beautiful pieces deserve it.
I would like to tell you where I got them but I think this shop is not there anymore and I can not remember the name. :( But I have seen similar ones in couple of other shops too so I am sure you will be able to find something similar. :)
The one with butterfly I got myself. I remember it was about 15 Euros and then I got the second one as Birthday present as she knew I was not able to make decision between those two in shop at the time.
I just want to say that they are great pieces to style... you just need to make sure to wear something what will make them stand out. :) 
As you can see on my pictures it looks great with simple T-shirt but for more formal look it looks fantastic with shirt too. Enjoy! :)

Áno uvedomujem si, že tento post má až priveľa fotiek, ale čo už tieto dve krasotinky si to proste zaslúžia.. :) Je to veľmi dobrá alternatíva, ak si chcete dať niečo, čo pritiahne pohľady ľudí a pritom Vás to zahreje okolo krku. :)
 Kúpila som si ten s motýľom a potom som sovičku dostala na narodeniny od kamarátky, ktorá bola so mnou vtedy v obchode a videla, že sa medzi nimi nemôžem rozhodnúť. :) Stál ma tak okolo 15 Eur a naozaj Vám neviem poradiť, kde niečo podobné zoženiete na Slovesku, lebo Slovenské obchody naozaj nepoznám. :(
Je jedno, čo si k nim oblečiete. Dobre vyzerajú na jednoduchom jednofarebnom tričku, ale takisto aj na košeli, či na niečom so svetríkom. Potom to len netreba preháňať s nejakými veľkými doplnkami, lebo tieto krasotinky sú viditeľné až až. :) Dúfam, že sa Vám páčia... :)

Shorts and Shoes are from New Look and all tops from Penneys. :)
Šortky a topánky sú z New Looku a ostatné vršky z Primarku. :)

I am sorry I couldnt resist... :)
Prepáčte, nemohla som odolať... :)

Keep Smiling... :)

6 komentárov:

  1. That yellow owl scarf is my favorite of the two, it's gorgeous, especially with that black top.

    Your tattoo is so pretty. I love it.

    Fashion and Happy Things

    1. Thank you... :) I remember I couldn't make decision and took the black one because It should go with everything...and then was surprised on my Birthday. :) And thank you about the tattoo... I love it more and more every day. :)

  2. Krásne. To je moja večná dilema- šatka či náhrdelník. :D Bohužial, fakt som to na Slovensku nevidela.

  3. Ja viem, je ťažké sa rozhodnúť.. :) Ja hocikedy skončím aj so šatkou aj korálkami... niekedy aj s dvoje korálkami a šatkou... :D

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