Najlepšie Beauty Produkty Za Rok 2013
It is hard to believe that another year is nearly over! :O So here I am with the products I enjoyed the most in 2013. ;) I have to admit that I like the shower cap the most and it is such a helper in my busy life. :) Some of the products are very same like the ones from last year but I didn't find anything better to replace them.
Anyway, I hope you like them and leave me a comment what you have been loving and inspire me a bit for the New Year! ;)

Batiste Dry Shampoo - Floral and Flirty Blush
I was trying to avoid using dry shampoo for a very long time because I didn't think it was great idea at all but I got one and haven't stopped using it since than. :) My hair is getting longer and longer so it is a pain to wash it every day. Not only it refreshes the skin but adds volume to your second day hair. ;) This one actually leaves white powdery film on my hair but as Blondie I am fine with it. Just be careful if your hair is brown. ;)
Nivea - In shower body Moisturizer
Well, the only thing I can say is.... "Nivea thank you very, very, very much for coming up with such a great idea!" It saves time and energy.... I love it and think more of you girls will have this one in the favorites this year. :)
Rio Brush Skin Cleanser
This is absolutely "must have" if you are trying to keep your skin as clean as possible. Refreshes your skin and helps blood circulations what really means that any product you decide to apply afterwards will work on your skin much better and will get "deeper". ;)
Oral Brush
What a brilliant thing! I remember I saw it on YouTube and couldn't wait until Boots start to sell it and I guess I was one of the first customers. :) I really like how clean my mouth feels after using it.
L'Oreal True Match Foundation
This is my most favorite foundation for ages now. I had it in my last years favourite's too and I did not find anything better so far. (In pharmacy obviously) :)
It has got a very good coverage and leaves matt finish on my skin and most importantly it is build-able so It can be easily used as concealer if necessary. ;)
Urban Decay - All Nighter Make Up Setting Spray
As you already know I am not the type of a girl who goes to bathroom every hour to touch up the make up so when I found out that Urban Decay came up with this spray I knew I had to have it. :) I use it before I apply foundation and than again when my make up is finished and I can say that the make up stays on all night! ;)
Soap and Glory - Dr Spot
The best solution for acne on your skin. Specially the big hormonal ones. It has got clear gel consistency and helps with pain and size of them over the night.
Avon Super Shock Double Pencil
The single pencils are my all time favorites but I really enjoy the double ones and use them nearly every day. They are very pigmented, soft and easy to apply. ;)
I have it in "burnished copper + golden glamor" and "princess pink + royal velvet"
Avon ColorTrend Lip Pencils
I remember I got them for about 2 Euros each and they are brilliant! Very pigmented and because of matt finish they last forever. I have to highlight the fact that because of the shape of the bullet, application is easy and you can easily contour your lips without using an extra lip liner. ;) Time saver once again. :)
Essence 3D Eye Shadows - 04 Irresistible Caramel Cream
I decided to pick something "cheaper" for this year. ;) Those 3D eye shadows are really good and worth to try. ;) Very pigmented and I use mine as highlighter on the rest of my face and it looks beautiful. How I use it you can see here.
Catrice Liquid Metal Eye Shadows - 020 Gold n Roses
Another great product released in 2013 if I am not mistaken and it is just beautiful. Again, it is something affordable and selection of beautiful colors is nearly endless. :)
Vaseline - Petroleum Jelly Aloe Vera
Everybody knows it and truly believe that it is the best moisturizing lip product available. ;)
Catrice Mineral Soft Powder Rouche - 120 Wild Rose
I have mentioned Catrice Blushes already and really like them. They are very pigmented and smooth. Easy to apply. I cant really say how long they actually stay on your cheeks but for the price they are just great! ;)
Maybelline The Falsies Volume Express Black Mascara
My all time favorite mascara! I haven't tried anything better so far so it had to be included! :)
Collection 2000 Concealer - 2 Light
Youtubers from all over the World were saying how great this concealer was so I also bought it and do you know what?! They were absolutely right! ;) All the imperfection of my skin just magically disappears underneath it. ;)
Milá Daniela,
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Prajem Ti veľmi krásny celý nový rok, nech sa Ti splnia tvoje priania a nech sa Ti to na blogu novými príspevkami len tak hemží. :-)
Ďakujem Ti veľmi pekne Katka. :) Budem sa snažiť budúci rok, nech to má šťavu a nech je to farebné... :D Tiež Ti prajem Všetko po čom túžiš v tej 2014stke. :)